Febris CO2 General Description

Are you looking for the general description of the Febris CO2 sensor?

Here you will find the general description of the Febris CO2 sensor.


Febris CO2 overview

Febris is our answer to Corona. This is a smart and wireless Corona Sensor traffic light from Sentinum. The sensor detects the CO2 content in the air at regular intervals in ppm, as well as temperature, rel. Humidity and air pressure and warns audibly via a buzzer and visually via bright LEDs if the specified limit value is exceeded. Transmit the data at regular intervals via MIOTY®, NB-IoT or LoRaWAN®. This allows rooms or entire buildings to be monitored efficiently. Alternatively, the sensor can also be equipped with an additional VOC sensor. The sensor is powered by 4xAA cells, which are easily replaceable. With a simple double tap on the sensor, an immediate measurement can be triggered manually. Wall mounting is recommended. Alternatively, the sensor can also be placed on desks or cabinets.


  • Robust and long-term stable NDIR measuring method for CO2 in ppm
  • Precise measurement of temperature, rel. Humidity and pressure
  • Available with mioty®, LoRaWAN®, NB-IoT
  • Interchangeable batteries
  • Provisioning via NFC and downlinks available
  • Acoustic signal via buzzer and optical feedback
  • Double Tap triggers instant measurement and output (optional)
  • Cellular communication via CoAP via Sentinum Datahub available (generic LWM2M upcoming)

Example applications: Use in educational institutions, schools, office buildings, institutions, flats, vehicles, retirement homes, restaurants, hotels, etc.Untitled

Scope of delivery

  • Sensor incl. Batteries

Febris Article Tree

Prefix Code product series Communication Sensors Additional Sensors Examples

How CO2 sensors can help indoorsUntitled-1

Identified as a possible route of transmission of the Corona Virus aerosols in the breathing air. Studies show that infection rates are higher indoors than outdoors. There is therefore a strong suspicion that poorer indoor air quality is an indicator of an increased risk of infection. One measure of indoor air quality is the CO2 gas concentration, which can be determined by the sensors of the Febris series. The higher the concentration, the worse the room air and the higher the probability of infection. In this context, Febris should provide a direct warning if limit values are exceeded and contribute to a better understanding of the infection pathways by means of data aggregation and analysis. Adequate ventilation is planned as a measure to reduce the risk.With the help of efficient indoor climate monitoring, ventilation cycles can be optimized, ventilation protocols automated and the infection rate can be reduced.


Febris 10Febris 7Febris 2Febris 8

Documentation Links

The links for the other Febris CO2 documentation can be found here: