You are looking for the payload description for Febris SCW?
Here you will find the payload description for the Febris SCW sensor.
Here you will find the table for a clear presentation:
Byte: 1-2
Alias: Module key
Description: module_key
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Febris series
Byte 1
- 4-bit MSB: Module code. For Mioty only telemetry module "Sentiface", i.e. always 0x1.
- 4-bit LSB: Major version. FW with the same major version but a larger minor version remain compatible with older decoders. However, the number of bytes may change!
Byte 2
- 4-bit MSB: minor version. New SW versions can gradually add new telemetry to the data packet.
- 4 bit LSB: Sub/product version. In Helios, these bits encode the specific configuration of the connected sensors.
Byte: 3
Alias: Uplink Counter
Description: uplink_counter
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Febris series
Description: Protocol independent uplink counter that reaches a maximum value of 255. After this, the counter starts again at 0.
Byte: 4-5
Alias: Battery Voltage
Description: battery_voltage
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Febris series
Description: Current battery voltage in millivolts//Voltage in volts battery_voltage: (dataBytes[3] << 8 | dataBytes[4])/1000.0,
Byte: 6-7
Alias: Internal temperature
Description: internal_tempeterature
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Febris series
Description: Temperature of the sensor: Internal_temperature = ((bytes[5] << 8) | bytes[6]) / 10 - 100;
Byte: 8
Alias: Rel. Air humidity
Description: humidity
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Febris series
Description: Rel. Air humidity in %
Byte: 9-10
Alias: Dew point
Description: dewpoint
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Febris series
Description: Dew point in °C
For Versions: S-FEBR-XXXX-CO2-XXX
Byte: 11-12
Alias: Air pressure
Description: pressure
Valid for versions: S-FEBR-XXXX-CO2-XXX
Description: Atmospheric pressure in hPa
Byte: 13-14
Alias: CO2
Description: co2_ppm
Valid for versions: S-FEBR-XXXX-CO2-XXX
Description: CO2 value in ppm
Byte: 15
Alias: Alarm
Description: alarm
Valid for versions: S-FEBR-XXXX-CO2-XXX
- 0: 0-1000ppm (grün)
- 1: 1000 - 2000ppm (gelb)
- 2: 2000 - 5000ppm (rot)
Analogue to traffic lights, adjustable limit values
Documentation Links
The links for the further documentation of the Febris SCW can be found here: