Febris TH Payload Description

You are looking for the payload description for Febris TH?

Here you will find the payload description for the Febris TH sensor.

Here you will find the table for a clear presentation:



Byte: 1-2
Alias: Module key
Description: module_key
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Febris sensors
Byte 1

  • 4-bit MSB: Module code. For Mioty exclusively "Sentiface" telemetry module, i.e. always 0x1.
  • 4 bit LSB: Major version. FW of the same major version but larger minor version remain compatible with older decoders. However, the number of bytes may change!

Byte 2

  • 4 bit MSB: Minor version. New SW versions may incrementally add new telemetry to the data packet.
  • 4 Bit LSB: Sub / Product Version. With Helios, these bits encode the specific configuration of connected sensors.

Byte: 3
Alias: Uplink Counter
Description:  uplink_counter
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Febris sensors
Description: Protocol-independent uplink counter that reaches a maximum of 255. After that, the counter starts again at 0.

Byte: 4-5
Alias: Battery Voltage
Description:  battery_voltage
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Febris sensors
Description: Current voltage of the battery in millivolts
//Voltage in volts battery_voltage: (dataBytes[3] << 8 | dataBytes[4]) / 1000.0

Byte: 6-7
Alias: Temperatur
Description:  internal_tempeterature
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Febris sensors
Description: Current voltage of the battery in millivolts
//Voltage in volts battery_voltage: (dataBytes[3] << 8 | dataBytes[4])/1000.0,

Byte: 8
Alias: Rel. Air humidity
Description:  humidity
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Febris sensors
Beschreibung: Rel. Air humidity in %

Byte: 9-10
Alias: Dew point
Description:  dewpoint
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Febris sensors
Description: Dew point in °C