Nyx NFC and Downlink Description

Looking for the Nyx NFC and Downlink Description?


Here you will find the NFC and downlink description for NYX  

Timings Group 

Name: Measuring period
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the period in which the measured values are recorded. 5 minutes means that a measurement is always taken by the sensor after 5 minutes.
Key (NFC parameter): period
Module: Nyx 
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 30
Minimum adjustable value: 5
Maximum adjustable value: 360
Unit: min
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Regular transmission interval 
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies Number of measurements taken until transmission.
Key (NFC parameter): every
Module: Nyx 
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 8
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 64
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Alarms Group 

Name: Delta value
Communication protocol: All
Description: Indicates by how much the CO2 value must change in absolute terms compared to the last transmission for an ALARM transmission to be triggered. This transmission is carried out independently of the normal transmission interval
Key (NFC parameter): delta
Module: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 300
Minimum adjustable value: 300
Maximum adjustable value: 2000
Unit: ppm
read/write: rw
Module Key: 1111

Name: Threshold value for yellow alarm
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the CO2 threshold in ppm that must be exceeded for the sensor to change to the yellow state (yellow LED lights up).
Key (NFC Parameters): yellow
Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 1000
Minimum adjustable value: 500
Maximum adjustable value: 3000
Unit: ppm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Threshold value for red alarm
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the CO2 threshold in ppm that must be exceeded for the sensor to switch to the red state (red LED lights up).
Key (NFC Parameters): red
Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value: 1000
Minimum adjustable value: 500
Maximum adjustable value: 3000
Unit: ppm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Hysteresis 
Communication protocol: All
Description: Determines the absolute hysteresis in ppm for status changes. If the CO2 concentration falls below a threshold value minus hysteresis, the system switches from a higher to a lower alarm status.
Key (NFC Parameters): hyst
Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x03
Preset value:100 
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 300
Unit: ppm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Buzzer Group 

Name: Buzzer
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the behavior of the buzzer

  • 0 : off
  • 1 : on 
  • 2 : Always on in the event of an alarm (if the sensor remains in the yellow or red state, the buzzer always reports the state for each measurement) 
  • 3 : Buzzer only signals when changing to the red state 
  • 4 : Buzzer reports permanently if the red state remains. 
  • 5 : Buzzer reports permanently if it is not in the green range and there is a level change above the defined thresholds

Key (NFC parameter): buzz
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x05
Preset value: 1
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 5
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Led Group 

Name: Led setting
Communication protocol: All

Specifies the behavior of the LEDs: 

  • 0: All LEDs off 
  • 1: All LEDs on

Key (NFC Parameters): Leds
Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value:0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Humidity Alarm Group 

Name: Alarm Humidity 
Communication protocol: All
Description: Switches the alarm for humidity:

  • 0: Alarm off
  • 1: Alarm on
Key (NFC Parameters): ads

Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x05
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value:0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Delta threshold
Communication protocol: All
Description:Specifies the absolute amount by which the humidity must change compared to the last transmission for an ALARM transmission to be triggered. This transmission is carried out independently of the normal transmission interval.

Key (NFC Parameters):hdt

Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x05
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value:20
Minimum adjustable value: 5
Maximum adjustable value: 100
Unit: %RH 
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Yellow threshold
Communication protocol: All
Description:Indicates the humidity threshold that must be exceeded for the sensor to change to the yellow state (yellow LED lights up).

Key (NFC/BLE): hdt

Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x05
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value:60
Minimum adjustable value: 10
Maximum adjustable value: 100
Unit: %RH 
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Red threshold
Communication protocol: All
Description:Indicates the humidity threshold that must be exceeded for the sensor to change to the red state (red LED lights up). 

Key (NFC Parameters): hrt 

Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x05
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value:60
Minimum adjustable value: 10
Maximum adjustable value: 100
Unit: %RH 
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Level Hysterisis 
Communication protocol: All
Description:Indicates the humidity threshold that must be exceeded for the sensor to change to the red state (red LED lights up). 

Key (NFC Parameters): hrt 

Modul: Nyx
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x05
Property ID: 0x04
Preset value:5
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 300
Unit: %RH 
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Documentation Links

You can find the links for further documentation on Nyx: