Hyperion Energy Meter

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Technical Features

  • Technical features
  • Wireless data transmission in real time via mioty® or LoRaWAN®
  • Bidirectional measurement (supply and consumption)
  • Measurement of up to 3 phases
  • Direct connection option up to 100A
  • Current transformer connections available (up to 1600A)
  • MID B + D approval for billing
  • Load profile storage for over 3 years
  • Rail mounting (suitable for top hat rail mounting)

Sensor profile

The Hyperion energy meter is suitable for recording the energy parameters of up to three phases. Hyperion can record loads bidirectionally and is therefore very suitable for solar power plants. With load profile storage and MID B + D approval for billing purposes, this meter ensures precise and compliant measurement. Hyperion supports direct measurement up to 100A and can be adapted to different scenarios with product variants suitable for the use of current transformers. The graphical LC display with backlight and dynamic 8-digit accuracy ensures comprehensive and user-friendly data visualisation and operation. Hyperion is suitable for top-hat rail mounting with 5TE and transmits data via LoRaWAN® and mioty®.


As an energy manager, I strive for reliable energy data collection with wireless communication that gives us transparency in energy consumption and ensures that relevant data is collected. The development of electricity meters with mioty opens up new and simple ways to collect energy data easily and wirelessly. This not only makes connection easier, but also reduces the amount of wiring required. The importance of energy data acquisition has increased enormously in recent years. ifm's goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. In order to discover potential savings in a targeted manner, all energy flows in the company need to be recorded precisely. The electricity meter complements ifm's broad product portfolio very well. From now on, we can record all relevant media with our own products.

Gerardo Spera - ifm Group

Benefits of smart metering

  • Wireless real-time data transmission via mioty® or LoRaWAN®
  • Bidirectional measurement (supply and consumption)
  • Measurement of up to 3 phases
  • Direct connection option (up to 100A)
  • Current transformer connections available (up to 1600A)
  • MID B + D approval for more than 3 years
  • Rail mounting (suitable for top hat rail mounting)
  • Current transformer connections available (up to 1600A)

Transmitted measured values

Description Unit
Active Energy Counter All Phases Import Tariff 1 kWh
Active Energy Counter All Phases Import Tariff 2 kWh
Active Energy Counter All Phases Export Tariff 1 kWh
Active Energy Counter All Phases Export Tariff 2 kWh
Reactive Energy Counter All Phases Import Tariff 1 kvarh
Reactive Energy Counter All Phases Import Tariff 2 kvarh
Reactive Energy Counter All Phases Export Tariff 1 kvarh
Reactive Energy Counter All Phases Export Tariff 2 kvarh
Current Phase L1 mA
Current Phase L2 mA
Current Phase L3 mA
Current Phase L4 mA
Current Phase L123 mA
Active Power Phase L1 W
Active Power Phase L2 W
Active Power Phase L3 W
Active Power Phase L123 W
AVG Active Power Max Phase L123 kW
Voltage Phase L1 V
Voltage Phase L2 V
Voltage Phase L3 V
Frequency Hz
Powerfactor Phase L1 cos phi
Powerfactor Phase L2 cos phi
Powerfactor Phase L3 cos phi