Looking for the Apollon-Q PP NFC and Downlink description?
Here you will find the NFC and Downlink description for the Apollon-Q T/R/TR
Apollon-Q PP NFC and downlink table
Measurement/Measurement group
Please note: ADVANCED properties are only recommended to be changed after consultation with Sentinum.
Name: Measurement period
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the period in which the sensor measures the presence of objects. 5000 means that the sensor captures new data with a measuring period of 5 seconds.
Key (NFC parameter): mper
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 5000
Minimum adjustable value: 20
Maximum adjustable value: 60000
Unit: ms
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Samples
Communication protocol: All
Description: ADVANCED
Setting the sensor performance, the higher the more robust and further the measurement can be made, at the cost of increased power consumption.
Key (NFC parameter): samples
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value: 100
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 255
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Sigma
Communication protocol: All
Description: ADVANCED
Minimum variance and standard deviation with which a target is perceived as a target. If sigma is too small, the probability of false detection increases.
Key (NFC parameter): sigma
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x03
Preset value: 1500
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 16383
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Signal
Communication protocol: All
Description: ADVANCED
Minimum number of photons, minimum reflectivity that must return from the target to be recognized as a target.
Key (NFC parameter): signal
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x04
Preset value: 50
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 16383
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Buzzer
Communication protocol: All
Description: Indicates whether it is pieptone (buzzer) on or off:
- 1: On
- 0: Off
Key (NFC parameter): buzz
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x05
Preset value: 1
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Stable
Communication protocol: All
Description: Describes how many measurements must be taken at a level to be recognized as levels. Can be used to compensate for mismeasurements or fluctuations, for example when an arm reaches into a box to remove goods
Key (NFC parameter): stabl
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x06
Preset value: 2
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 8
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: ROI
Communication protocol: All categories
Description: ADVANCED: Region of Interest
Key (NFC parameter): roi
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x07
Preset value: 16
Minimum adjustable value: 4
Maximum adjustable value: 16
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Status period, heartbeat
Communication protocol: All
Description: Status period in minutes: After each status period ends, an uplink is sent.
Key (NFC parameter): sper
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x08
Preset value: 60
Minimum adjustable value: 10
Maximum adjustable value: 10080
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Group Level
Name: Number of levels
Communication protocol: All
Description: Number of levels that can be defined
- 1: 1 level
- 2: 2 levels
- 3: 3 levels
- 4: 4 levels
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 2
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 4
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Ranging Index
Communication protocol: All
Description: Whether to send alarms when changing levels
- 1: Yes
- 0: Only for change, over or below a distance level
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x02
Default value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Distance level 1
Communication protocol: All
Description: Distance to trigger level 1 state change
Key (NFC parameter): l1d
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x03
Preset value: 400
Minimum adjustable value: 50
Maximum adjustable value: 2,000
unit: mm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Distance level 2
Communication protocol: All
Description: Distance to trigger level 2 state change
Key (NFC parameter): l2d
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x04
Preset value: 50
Minimum adjustable value: 50
Maximum adjustable value: 2,000
unit: mm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Distance level 3
Communication protocol: All
Description: Distance to trigger level 3 state change
Key (NFC parameter): l3d
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x05
Preset value: 400
Minimum adjustable value: 50
Maximum adjustable value: 2,000
unit: mm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Distance level 4
Communication protocol: All
Description: Distance to trigger level 4 state change
Key (NFC parameter): l4d
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x06
Preset value: 50
Minimum adjustable value: 50
Maximum adjustable value: 2,000
unit: mm
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111
Name: Hysteresis
Communication protocol: All
Description: Hysteresis around the threshold values to avoid oscillation in measurements at the limit
Key (NFC parameter): lhyst
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x07
Preset value: 20
Minimum adjustable value: 10
Maximum adjustable value: 500
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111