Apollon-Q PP Payload Description

You are looking for a payload description for the Apollo-Q-PP

Here you can find a payload description for the Apollon-Q-T/R/TR

Here you will find the table for a clear presentation:


Apollon-Q PP Payload Description Table

Byte: 1-2
Alias: module key
Description: module_key
Valid for versions: All - Basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Apollon-Q PP series
Byte 1

  • 4 bit MSB: Module code.For mioty only "Sentiface" telemetry module, that is always 0x1.
  • 4 bit LSB: Major version, FW of the same major version but larger minor version remain compatible with older decoders. The number of bytes can change!

Byte 2

  • 4 bit MSB: Minor version, new SW versions may add new telemetry to the data packet incrementally.
  • 4 Bit LSB: Sub / Product Version.In Helios these bits encode the specific configuration of connected sensor technology.

Byte: 3
Alias: Uplink Counter
Description: uplink_counter
Valid for versions: All - Basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Apollon-Q PP series
Description: Protocol for independent uplink counter, which reaches a maximum of 255, after which the counter starts at 0 again. 

Byte: 4-5
Alias: Battery Voltage
Description: battery_voltage
Valid for versions: All - Basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Apollon-Q PP series 
Description: Current voltage of the battery in millivolts
//Voltage in Volt battery_voltage: (dataBytes[3] << 8 | dataBytes[4]) / 1000.0

Byte: 6
Alias: Internal temperature
Description: internal_temperature
Valid for versions: All - Basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Apollon-Q PP series
Description: Sensor internal temperature + 128 //Temp., in°C internal_temperature: dataBytes[5] - 128. 

Byte: 7
Alias: Alarm variable
Description: alarm
Valid for versions: All - Basic payload, valid and available for all sensors of the Apollon-Q PP series
Description: Variable that indicates whether error codes and values are being transmitted.
An error occurs with values > 16 255: Internal hardware failure ToF
For all values <16 are levels that were measured

Byte: 8
Alias: Object status, ToF sensor status
Description: object_status
Valid for versions: S-APOQ-XXXX-PP
Description: Status of the sensor relative to the last measured value

  • 0: Valid range
  • 2/4: Out of bounds
  • 5: Hardware fail
  • 7: Wrapped target
  • 8: Algorithm fail
  • 14: Invalid range
  • 99: More than one valid target detected

Byte: 9 - 10
Alias: distance
Description: object_distance
Valid for versions: S-APOQ-XXXX-PP
Description: Distance to the current object in mm

Byte: 11 - 12
Alias: Object Sigma
Description: object_sigma
Valid for versions: S-APOQ-XXXX-PP
Description: Minimum variance and standard deviation with which a target is perceived as a target. If sigma is too small, the probability of misdetection increases

Byte: 13 - 14
Alias: object signal
Description: object_signal
Valid for versions: S-APOQ-XXXX-PP
Description: minimum number of photons, minimum reflectivity that must come back from the target to be recognized as a target

Byte: 15 - 16
Alias: Object Ambient
Description: object_ambient
Valid for versions: S-APOQ-XXXX-PP
Description: Ambient light of the target, not qualitative