Apollon-Q T/R/TR NFC and downlink Description

Are you looking for the Apollon-Q T/R/TR NFC and downlink description?

Here you will find the NFC and downlink description for the Apollon-Q T/R/TR


Apollon-Q T/R/TR NFC und Downlink Tabelle

Gruppe Timings & Alarms

Name: Measuring period
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the period in which the measured values are recorded. 10 minutes means that a measurement is always taken by the sensor after 10 minutes.
Key (NFC parameter): period
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 120
Minimum adjustable value: 5
Maximum adjustable value: 660
Unit: min
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Delta value
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the absolute amount by which the fill level must change compared to the last transmission for an ALARM transmission to be triggered. This transmission is carried out independently of the normal transmission interval. Always refers to the main measured value.
Key (NFC parameter): delta
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 100
Minimum adjustable value: 100
Maximum adjustable value: 10,000
Unit: mm
read/write: rw
Module Key: 1111

Name: Regular transmission interval
Communication protocol: All
Description: Number of measurements after the sensor still schedules an uplink despite the absence of an alarm condition. 
Key (NFC parameter): every or pause (depending on version)
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x00
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value: 4
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 10
Unit: Number
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Group ToF Sensor Settings

Name: Ranging Mode
Communication protocol: All
Description: Sets the distance measurement mode for the ToF sensor:
  • 0: auto
  • 1: fixed

In auto mode, the sensor selects
selects between the short, medium and long modes. In fixed mode, one mode remains set.
Key (NFC parameter): mode
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Ranging Index
Communication protocol: All
Description: Indicates which ranging mode the sensor is in:
  • 0: short
  • 1: medium
  • 2: long
Key (NFC parameter): index
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x01
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 1
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 2
read/write: rw

Modul Key: 1111

Gruppe Radar Sensor Settings

Name: Minimum measuring distance
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the minimum measurement distance.
Key (NFC parameter): rstart
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 120
Minimum adjustable value: 80
Maximum adjustable value: 2,000
Unit: mm
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Maximum measuring distance
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the maximum measurement distance.
Key (NFC parameter): rend
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 3,000
Minimum adjustable value: 200
Maximum adjustable value: 3,000
Unit: mm
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Threshold (limit value)
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the threshold value above which the peaks of the sensor must lie.
Key (NFC parameter): rthresh
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x02
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value: 2,000
Minimum adjustable value: 400
Maximum adjustable value: 10,000
Unit: mm
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Opening detection group

Name: Cooldown
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies a period of time during which another opening cannot be triggered after an opening has been triggered (debounces the openings). The last counted opening serves as a reference value.
Key (NFC parameter): ocool
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x03
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 120
Minimum adjustable value: 1
Maximum adjustable value: 600
Unit: sec
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Alarm After
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies how long the lid must be open before an alarm is triggered.
Key (NFC parameter): oalaf
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x03
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 900
Minimum adjustable value: 60
Maximum adjustable value: 3,600
Unit: sec
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Source
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies which source was selected for opening detection:
  • 0: None (opening alarm deactivated)
  • 1: Accelerometer
  • 2: Hall
Key (NFC parameter): osrc
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x03
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 2
read/write: rw
Module key: 1111

Name: Hall switch behaviour
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies the operating mode of the Hall sensor:
  • 0: Container is closed when solenoid is applied
  • 1: Container is open when magnet is applied
  • 2: Sensor counts an opening when magnet is passed twice
Key (NFC parameter): magfield
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x03
Property ID: 0x03
Preset value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 2
read/write: rw

Modul Key: 1111

Name: Activated
Communication protocol: All
Description: Activates or deactivates the open alarm
  • 0: deactivated
  • 1: activated
Key (NFC parameter): openaln
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x03
Property ID: 0x04
Preset value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw

Modul Key: 1111

Name: Open flap
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies whether an alarm is triggered after the Open Alarm After time when the container is open
  • 0: Alarm not active
  • 1: Alarm active
Key (NFC parameter): popenaln
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x03
Property ID: 0x05
Preset value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw

Modul Key: 1111

Vandalism detection group

Name: Activate vandalism detection
Communication protocol: All
Description: Activates vandalism detection:
  • 0: Vandalism detection off
  • 1: Vandalism detection on
Key (NFC parameter): vdetect
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x04
Property ID: 0x00
Preset value: 0
Minimum adjustable value: 0
Maximum adjustable value: 1
read/write: rw

Modul Key: 1111

Name: Impact Delta
Communication protocol: All
Description: Maximum time that may elapse between two impacts for a vandalism alarm to be triggered after the number of impacts.
Key (NFC parameter): vdelta
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x04
Property ID: 0x01
Preset value: 30
Minimum adjustable value: 5
Maximum adjustable value: 3,600
Unit: sec
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Impact quantity
Communication protocol: All
Description: Number of impacts, of which a maximum of two may be within the distance of Impact Delta for the vandalism alarm to be triggered.
Key (NFC parameter): vlimit
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x04
Property ID: 0x02
Preset value: 5
Minimum adjustable value: 3
Maximum adjustable value: 2
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Impact Strength
Communication protocol: All
Description: As soon as the acceleration is greater than the set impact strength value, an impact is counted.
Key (NFC parameter): vstren
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x04
Property ID: 0x03
Preset value: 1,000
Minimum adjustable value: 500
Maximum adjustable value: 2
Unit: mg
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111

Name: Cooldown
Communication protocol: All
Description: Specifies a period of time during which another vandalism alarm cannot be triggered after a vandalism alarm has been triggered.
Key (NFC parameter): vstren
Module: Apollon-Q
Module key: 0x1111
Group: 0x04
Property ID: 0x04
Preset value: 30
Minimum adjustable value: 1440
Maximum adjustable value: 1
Unit: min
read/write: rw
Modul Key: 1111