You are looking for the payload description for Nyx?
Here you will find the Payload description for NYX
Byte: 1-2
Alias: Module key
Description: module_key
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Detailed Description:
Byte 1
- 4-bit MSB: Module code. For Mioty, this is exclusively the "Sentiface" telemetry module, i.e., always 0x1.
- 4-bit LSB: Major version. Firmware (FW) of the same major version but with a larger minor version remains compatible with older decoders. However, the number of bytes may change!
Byte 2
- 4-bit MSB: Minor version. New software versions may incrementally add new telemetry to the data packet.
- 4-bit LSB: Sub / Product Version. With Nyx, these bits encode the specific configuration of connected sensors.
Byte: 3
Alias: Uplink counter
Description: Protocol-independent uplink counter that reaches a maximum of 255. After that, the counter starts again at 0.
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Byte: 4-5
Alias: Battery Voltage
Description: battery_voltage
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Current voltage of the battery in millivolts
// Voltage in volts: (dataBytes[3] << 8 | dataBytes[4]) / 1000.0
Byte: 6-7
Alias: Internal Temperature
Description: internal_temperature
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Temperature of the sensor
// Internal_temperature = ((bytes[5] << 8) | bytes[6]) / 10 - 100
Byte: 8
Alias: Relative Humidity
Description: humidity
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Relative humidity in %RH
Byte: 9-10
Alias: Dew Point
Description: dew_point
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Dew point in °C
Byte: 11
Alias: Alarm Variable
Description: alarm_level
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Alarm level, corresponds to green, yellow, and red display on the LEDs
Byte: 12-13
Alias: Light Intensity Indicator
Description: raw_lux
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Light intensity in lux as an indicator, no direct measurement of ambient light
For decoding:
decoded.lux = (1 << (raw_lux >> 12)) * (raw_lux & 0x0FFF) * 0.01
Byte: 14
Alias: Gas Sensor Status
Description: internal_temperature
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Jamming of the gas sensor
Byte: 15-16
Alias: Air Pressure
Description: pressure
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Air pressure
Byte: 17
Alias: Indoor Air Quality Status
Description: iaq_status
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Indoor Air Quality Status
Byte: 18-19
Alias: Indoor Air Quality Index
Description: iaq_index
Valid for versions: All - basic payload, valid and available for all Nyx sensors
Description: Indoor Air Quality Index
Documentation Links
You can find the links for further documentation on Nyx: