Nyx Quick start guide

You are looking for the Nyx Quick Start Guide ?

You can find the Quickstart Guide for the Nyx here 👉

Nyx-Folie2 2 1 (2)

Please observe the warnings and instructions in the operating instructions to ensure the safety of you, your surroundings and the sensor! 


First install the wall mount on an interior wall at a height of between 1.50m and 1.80m, in a well-lit location with at least 400Lux per day. Make sure that the sensor is at least 20cm away from people and in an area below 2000m above sea level. Use either the supplied adhesive strips or suitable screws to attach the sensor. Then insert the sensor into the wall bracket until it clicks securely into place and put it into operation. 

NFC Parameterization and position of the  NFC TAG

  1. The sensor is supplied already switched on. It is activated via an NFC app. A smartphone is required for this. The app can be downloaded from the respective app stores. Simply search 
    for “Sentinum LinQs” and download the LinQs app.
  2. Locate the tag on the sensor first and then the reader on your device. The position of the NFC tag can be found in the following pictures.


Nyx-Aktuelle frei (1)

Playload Decoder  NYX Series 

function decodeUplink(input) { 


    var decoded = {}; 

    var bytes = input.bytes; 


    if (input.fPort == 1) { //TELEMETRY 


        //decode header 

        decoded.base_id = bytes[0] >> 4; 

        decoded.major_version = bytes[0] & 0x0F; 

        decoded.minor_version = bytes[1] >> 4; 

        decoded.product_version = bytes[1] & 0x0F; 

        decoded.up_cnt = bytes[2]; 

        decoded.battery_voltage = ((bytes[3] << 8) | bytes[4]) / 1000.0; 

        decoded.internal_temperature = ((bytes[5] << 8) | bytes[6]) / 10 - 100; 

        decoded.networkBaseType = 'lorawan'; 

        decoded.networkSubType = 'tti'; 

        var it = 7; 

        if (decoded.major_version >= 1) { 

            it = 7; 

            //Luftfeuchte ist bei allen Varianten enthalten 

            decoded.humidity = bytes[it++]; 

            decoded.dew_point = ((bytes[it++] << 8) | bytes[it++]) / 10 - 100; 

            decoded.alarm_level = bytes[it++]; //Alarm-Level, entspricht grün, gelb, rot 


            if (decoded.product_version & 0x01) { //  Lux Sensor 

                var raw_lux = (bytes[it++] << 8 | bytes[it++]); 

                // decoded.lux_status = raw_lux != 0xffff ? 0 : 1; //raw value is 0xFFFF in case of error 

                decoded.lux = (1 << (raw_lux >> 12)) * (raw_lux & 0x0FFF) * 0.01; 



            if (decoded.product_version & 0x04) { //  Has Bme688 Sensor 

                decoded.bme_status = bytes[it++]; 

                decoded.pressure = (bytes[it++] << 8 | bytes[it++]); 

                if (decoded.product_version & 0x02) { // Has IAQ Feature 

                    decoded.iaq_status = bytes[it++]; 

                    decoded.iaq_index = (bytes[it++] << 8 | bytes[it++]); 






    return { 

        data: decoded, 

        warnings: [], 

        errors: [] 



Documentation Links

You can find the links for further documentation on Nyx: